Thursday, January 6, 2022
Topic 9: Leading Self – Managed Teams
Assalamualaikum and bismillah.
As for this week's presentation, the group members who presented on the topic of Leading Self – Managed Teams did an outstanding job. Excellent definition, benefits, and drawbacks of self-managed teams and actual experiences by Mr Lim Thou Chun, one of the group members. During the presentation, Mr Adam posed a series of questions for the remainder of the class to contemplate and discuss. Those are the sort of things that I'm going to attempt to answer in my weekly reflection. Insha Allah.
Whenever I searched for self-managed teams, prominent names such as Google and Facebook showed up in the search engines, indicating that they had embraced self-managed teams focused on efficiency, flexibility, recruiting young people, and fostering creativity. We could observe how effective these organizations have been so successful all over the globe. Then why and how can self-managed teams have the possibility of failing since they are such a popular trend in organizations today? Self-directed teams are becoming more common in organizations, and they are often established since it has been shown that they are associated with greater productivity, career satisfaction, and commitment to the organization, among other things. Self-managed teams are sometimes referred to as self-directing teams, self-regulating teams, or autonomous teams, depending on their role in the organization.
What are the challenges of applying a self-managed team in our organization?
From my point of view, forming a self-managed team is complicated and challenged by the need to distribute management power and duty among the team members. Leaders don't want their employees to bear responsibility for choices they've already made. Self-managed teams may face difficulties when having each team member specialize in a single activity. When any team member is absent from the group without a replacement who can carry out his responsibilities, the team's productivity may deteriorate. Furthermore, the issue of specialization in self-directed teams may affect the level of shared commitment among team members.
What are the factors that affect the self-managed team?
As a team member in an organization, how do you apply SMTs in education?
If I were to apply self–managed team in education, it would be beneficial to offer the team members some basic guidance since self-managed teams are used to operating independently. I would suggest setting a few objectives for the team and recommending some best practices.
Self-managed teams often do their best when their members have a high level of confidence in one another and communicate well with one another. Consequently, if I were to use self-managed teams in education, I would start by forming a new self-managed team, which would allow me to plan some team-building activities at the outset of every project. It is possible that teams may feel more comfortable speaking with one another after participating in team-building activities to get to know one other better.
After my self-managed team has begun their work, I would consider defining the tools that they will be needed to interact with one another in order to be successful. When my team members all work in the same teachers' staff room, I may establish a specific space where they can all get together. I may install new team communication applications for teams that work online, such as WhatsApp groups, telegram groups, and other similar tools.
To conclude, it is a good idea to periodically examine the performance of my team members to verify that they are on track to accomplish project objectives. My team's performance can be improved by implementing strategies to enhance the functionality, such as providing an alternative approach for them to work or communicate, which will help them perform better. Depending on the nature of the project, I could do a progress review with the team. Providing positive comments to my team to support their great results is something I would do if they made significant improvements.
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DYNAMICS OF LEADERSHIP (UHPS 6013) Topic 9: Leading Self – Managed Teams
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